Things of interest


"Home is not places, it is love." -- "Home Is Not Places" by The Apache Relay

Fairy Poodle

Fairy Poodle

My Thoughts

Sing loudly, passionately, with all your heart, for you've nothing to lose.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A very quick post on what is going on, because quite frankly, I should be doing homework right now, but I'm being rather stupid and deciding to post on my blog instead.

Hello everyone.
Spring semester is underway, and I'm already laden with homework.
A brief overview of my classes:
Abnormal psychology is where I learn about messed-up people, and despite the fact that it is an honors class, it actually requires the least amount of work.
Trigonometry is where I learn that the sine of sixty degrees is equal to the square root of three divided by two, and where I learn similar definitions for cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant, cosecant. This class either bores me out of my skull, or stresses me out because we were only taught half of the material that is on the homework, and the other half, I need to teach myself. Hooray.
Beginning Spanish 1? Fun, but difficult. I need to work harder for that class than for the other two put together, and I still don't feel like I'm getting enough out of the class to be able to speak Spanish fluently. Of course, this is also the beginning of the semester.

The semester tires me already, in part because I'm sick of my mind spinning around in circles.
To be honest, I have no idea what I'm doing with my life at all.
I know I'm getting a degree at my community college, but that's about it. After that, I don't know whether I'm going to a music school, an aeronautical university, an engineering school....
I don't know.
All I know is that I'm single again -- yes, I don't believe I posted that I was dating someone earlier, but it ended in late november, so it's old news now -- and I have no clue where my love life is going. Quite honestly, I think that romance is sadistic, causing two people to be drawn to each other, to partake in awkward and illogical actions such as pressing one anothers lips together (most of which would never normally be done without some sort of impulse), causing a deep emotional bond, and then tearing everything apart once everything no longer works out.
But that's my grim, fatalistic view, because quite frankly, I've never been given a reason to change it. Yet anyway. Hopefully that will change. Or I could end up in a seminary in another five years.
But anyway, my sister is expressing a desire to use the computer for homework.
I will post again eventually. When I have time.

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