Things of interest


"Home is not places, it is love." -- "Home Is Not Places" by The Apache Relay

Fairy Poodle

Fairy Poodle

My Thoughts

Sing loudly, passionately, with all your heart, for you've nothing to lose.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The state of my life as of now...

I'm so bummed.
I had a video I was going to post, but I'm not going to be able to film it until next week. Blah....

But on the bright side, The Bruiser is now ten years old! His birthday was yesterday, and, let me tell you, I thouroughly enjoyed it, not because of any crazy party or anything (we don't really have birthday parties anymore), but because it was a day off from school! The only thing was, I spent the entire day on the computer writing an essay. But at least it's almost done!

I bought a book a few days ago! It's called "Singing for Dummies"!
Yes I know it's kind of wierd. But I really don't have the money or the time for voice lessons right now, so I figured that's the best thing I can do. It starts with the basics, though. The basic basics. Like, don't-have-a-clue-how-to-sing basics. Like singing on pitch, matching pitch, and stuff like that. I already know how to do that. I'm not that much of a dummy. I also somewhat know how to project my voice. I got the book so I could learn how to, you know, create vibrato, extend my head-voice range, etc.

I read on wikipedia that one of the songs on Nightwish's new album "Imaginarium" is going to be almost twenty minutes long! Totally epic, right? Their longest song so far is "The Poet and the Pendulum", which is exactly 13:54! Totally awesome!

I haven't been able to write any of my novel for a while now because of all the homework. Sniff.....

We watched the Grammys on Sunday night! Bananna and I had a blast watching live performances, and laughing at all of the celebrities (ha ha... Selena Gomez... Grammy wimmers....Lol)!
Oh, and lastly....
THIS SONG IS AMAZING!!! It's one of the three songs that put me in my "happy place", the other two being Loser by Beck, and Freak On A Leash by Korn.
Here it is!

L to the O to the L, right?
Well anyway, I have to get back to my homework.
Until next time,


  1. ah, you get a day off from do a report. how wonderful. can't wait for that public school wonderfulness to kick in.

  2. Cool!!!!
    I finally found your blog!!!!...... With your help.....


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